We made it. 3000+ miles in two weeks. Stops in 9 states*, driving through 14. What a whirlwind. It feels surreal to be home.
I’m really grateful to have had the chance to spend these two weeks with my family, and to give them a chance to see a broad swath of the country that we don’t get to see in our everyday life. I want to thank you, dear reader, for coming along for the ride and for reading this blog.
As a reward for sticking with us on this journey, please enjoy this video of a very happy duck.
On the way home, in Maine, we ran into a friendly toll collector who drily asked what “BRUC3” was about, and when we said it was because the car’s name is Bruce, he said that that was a pretty good name, and he thought so himself (turns out our toll collector’s name was Bruce).
*including the District of Columbia