As we begin this final leg of our trip home on Memorial Day weekend (hello, thruway traffic!), we say adieu to our friends and family in Rochester. As with any visit to our fair erstwhile home, ‘twas entirely too short a season.

Our homebase was an airbnb in the south wedge, appropriately called “Edge of the Wedge”. The cute neon sign with the name was nonfunctional, else I would have included a picture of it.

When we arrived, we were delighted to find that our host had left us a housewarming gift (and an unintentional surprise anniversary gift).

In addition to being well-stocked with a Keurig machine, pain meds, and snacks, Collin’s airbnb had a two-car driveway (or a one-Bruce driveway) and a lovely garden out back.

In the morning, we went to Lake Ontario to have Abbott’s custard for breakfast and for Tristan to have another go at magnet fishing, this time in the Genesee River and off the pier in the lake. Grace was delighted to see several families of ducks.

As an aside, I was curious how the Genesee crosses the Erie Canal. Now I know, and so do you.

Then, per tradition, the Slawman clan made the trek to visit and honor their ancestors in Mount Hope Cemetery. Flowers were laid upon the stone and we picnicked with Nana and Mutter and Greta.

In addition to its storied roster of ancestral heritage, Mount Hope has an impressive array of flora and fauna. Amongst the stones, a happy groundhog frolicked.

The afternoon saw visits to a new Rochester craft brewery, Nick Tahou’s (for the meat sauce, to make DIY plates at home), and doordashed food from local favorites (Chinese, pizza and brisket from Mr Shoes, and yes, more poutine, from Le Petit Poutine).

Later in the evening, Robin and I went BACK to Strangebird to meet up with some more friends and have a nightcap. Peep our Untappd profiles to see what we had) 

A visit to Rochester wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Pittsford Wegmans (aka the Church of Our Father Danny Wegman). We got vittles for the trip, (more) local beer, and drip coffee (with crema!) from a new super automatic machine.

We are thankful to our friends and family Chris, Brian, and Anne for meeting up with us on short notice. Shout-outs go out to all of our other long-time upstate friends and fam we couldn’t get together with on this trip due to time, space, and adulting constraints. Thanks for understanding. We’ll catch ya next time!

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