Alternate title: visitation without representation
A visit to the nation’s capitol wouldn’t be complete without the requisite touristy pilgrimages to see the White House (or as close as you can get these days), the Washington Monument, The World War II Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial.

The Smithsonian Museum (one of many)

Our nation’s capital boasts an impressive (and free!) array of museums, including natural history, art, air and space, and African American heritage.
The Smithsonian Museum of Natural history was comprehensive and easy to get lost in. Which we did, several times. Here are some of us waiting next to Charles Darwin (who may also be waiting for someone who’s lost).

Robin’s favorite dinosaur is the glyptodon. Doesn’t it look like it needs a cuddle?

There is a large collection of space rocks that have fallen to earth, including one that fell on some poor person’s car in NYS thirty years ago.

This museum rocks!

Next time we go to DC, we’ll see other Smithsonian museums, the Graffiti Museum, and invest in some good walking shoes.
Monuments and memorials

Protip: avoid the food truck scalpers. They will scam you by selling criminally inflated sugary drinks and ice cream. F- would not recommend.