Ah Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. What can you do on a whirlwind tour of Philly for four hours?

Go to the Mutter Museum

Medical curiosities and oddities abound here, which makes it an interesting place to check out some ailments you may never have heard of. We got here a bit late (thanks, traffic), but the staff were super nice and accommodated us anyway.

No pictures are allowed of the exhibits, but boy howdy do they have an ornate stairway at the Physicians’ College of Pennsylvania.

Robin is always multitasking, so she got busy documenting of the College’s medicinal herbal garden for her Herbology class.

The architecture in Philadelphia is really amazing! Right next to the Mutter Museum was this gorgeous edifice, the First Unitarian Church.

And this other, equally gargantuan and impressive feat of architecture.

Cheesesteaks and Chinatown

After drooling slack-jawed at the fancy-ass cribs the homies in Philly enjoy, the Slawmans had cheesesteaks (when in Rome, amirite?) and then checked out Chinatown.

As well as the local art college and museum, which have this huge paintbrush sculpture, complete with a paint dollop that looks entirely too much like a poop emoji for it to be coincidental, if you catch my drift. They KNEW what they were doing. now don’t at me and tell me that the sculpture existed before emoji. Poop is timeless) 💩

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