We made it. 3000+ miles in two weeks. Stops in 9 states*, driving through 14. What a whirlwind. It feels surreal to be home. I’m really grateful to have had the chance to spend these two weeks with my family, and to give them a chance to see a broad swath of the country that we don’t get to see […]
Home, denouement
Goodbye, Rochester, we hardly knew ye
As we begin this final leg of our trip home on Memorial Day weekend (hello, thruway traffic!), we say adieu to our friends and family in Rochester. As with any visit to our fair erstwhile home, ‘twas entirely too short a season. Our homebase was an airbnb in the south wedge, appropriately called “Edge of the Wedge”. The cute neon […]
Virginia Beach is lit 🧜♂️
Virginia is to the South as Brunswick is to the Midcoast (meaning, it’s as far north as you can get and still claim to be part of the South). That being said, Virginia Beach is fun to walk around, has a bitchin’ statue of King Neptune, and has good food and drink at very reasonable prices. Also a hotel right […]
Florida, the sunshine state? Sometimes.
Dunnellon in central Florida has plenty of lizards and pretty sunsets. When we arrived, we were greeted by my uncle Dave. Jeff & Autumn’s wedding Pitching our tent along with the other early gatecrashers, I mean, guests. Look at the pretty Spanish moss everywhere! I didn’t get a lot of wedding photos because I was busy being the FaceTime videographer […]
Just stopped at Buc-ees. What even is this place?
Have we slipped into an alternate universe? No pictures from inside because it was a whirlwind of an experience, but boy howdy. If you’re not familiar, picture the world’s largest gas station with ersatz stuff for sale, clean bathrooms, and with really great grab-and-go food. If Wegmans made truck stops, this is what it would be like. Edit: added inside […]
Georgia Aquarium 🐟
The Georgia Aquarium is the third largest aquarium in the world (behind one in China, and one in Dubai, but to quote the museum curator “that one’s in a mall, so it doesn’t really count”). I could’ve stood here for hours. The fish schooling were so mesmerizing. This eel is a photogenic homeboy. Robin made a friend. Belugas! Octopus! 🐙 […]
Asheville addendum 🗺️
Our Chicken Alley airbnb has the best what3words address.
Hello, Georgia 🍑
It’s 1250 miles to home, we’ve got half a tank of gas, the pool is cold, and we’re wearing sunglasses 😎 Hit it. We’ve made it to Atlanta, and the hotel is centrally located, right next door to the Aquarium, and pretty swank. Look at this atrium: Goodnight, Georgia!
We ♥️ Asheville
Is it too soon to plan to move here? Asking for a friend. Our alley where our airbnb homebase is located, Chicken Alley, is supposedly the most haunted place in all of North Carolina, beset by the specter of a hundred-plus year old doctor. We’ve been listening hard, but so far no one has heard the thunk of his cane […]
Coolest airbnb ever!
We made it to Asheville, and after a wet drive through the Blue Ridge mountains and a dinner of BBQ, we are settled for the night. Thanks to our host Austin, the Slawmans are staying in what has to be the coolest airbnb ever. Tomorrow, we explore Asheville! Stay tuned…
DC, represent!
Alternate title: visitation without representation A visit to the nation’s capitol wouldn’t be complete without the requisite touristy pilgrimages to see the White House (or as close as you can get these days), the Washington Monument, The World War II Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial. The Smithsonian Museum (one of many) Our nation’s capital boasts an impressive (and free!) array […]
Philly, we (were) in you
Ah Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. What can you do on a whirlwind tour of Philly for four hours? Go to the Mutter Museum Medical curiosities and oddities abound here, which makes it an interesting place to check out some ailments you may never have heard of. We got here a bit late (thanks, traffic), but the staff were […]
And we’re off!
Early AM driving. The Slawman clan is on the road to Pennsylvania.
20:00 and Bruce is full
If it doesn’t fit, we don’t need it.
Our epic family road trip begins Saturday. Two weeks of fun, one Florida wedding, memories made, and yes, a lot of driving… (but don’t worry, we won’t bore you with that part). Come along for the ride and follow us on our journey! We’ll post our itinerary and plenty of photos along the way. To keep up to date, add […]